Finding a small vaporizer that also happens to work wonderfully doesn't have to be a daunting task anymore. Exxus Vape's "Exxus Mini" has the distinction of being the smallest vape of its type, no exaggerations. This vaporizer is merely an inch in width and four inches in height. If compact things that are easy to carry around pique your interest, there's no reason you shouldn't be researching the Exxus Mini. This vaporizer's size is just as little as its name suggests.
The Exxus Mini's tiny size isn't the only thing about the vaporizer that's worth mentioning, either. It actually has a variety of features that should wow people who are looking for quality vaporizers. Its warmup time is just 30 seconds. The vaporizer has a convenient mouthpiece air path system that offers heat reduction benefits as well. Its highest possible temperature is 410 degrees. The Exxus Mini features an anodized heating chamber.