Designed to take on some of the best dry herb vaporizers on the market today, the Yocan Vane Portable Vaporizer is developed and engineered to outlast and outperform dry herb vaporizers twice its price and size.
To begin with, you’ll find that the Yocan Vane Portable Vaporizer is outfitted with a ceramic heating element that allows this compact and portable dry herb vaporizer to vaporize your botanicals without reaching the point of combustion. This only means that your herbs are vaporized and not burned. This is complemented by the Yocan Vane Portable Vaporizer’s conduction oven which furthers its ability to vaporize the herbs almost instantaneously. This method of heating is paired with a precision temperature control that allows you to choose the right temperature setting to heat your herbs in depending on your needs. Higher temperature profiles allow you to extract the potent active ingredients from your herbs while the lower temperature profiles allow you to enjoy the flavorful vapor production native to your botanical plant matter.
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Wellington, KS
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Issaquah, WA